What to do if your password is hacked?
Step 1: Change your passwords. This is important because hackers are looking for any point of entry into a larger network, and may gain access through a weak password. On accounts or devices that contain sensitive information, make sure your password is strong, unique and not easily guessable.
Step 2: Secure your Log-In process. Two-Factor authentication is now available on most accounts. This added measure helps to ensure you are the real person associated with the account you’re trying to access.
Step 3: Update your Software. Make sure that all of the devices you use – even if infrequently, are funning the most up-to-date software. Apple, Google Samsung, etc. routinely release updates meant to fix security flaws, oftentimes between the bigger, feature-packed updates that tend to get the most attention.
Step 4: Contact your IT Company. Contact our help desk to speak with one of our Engineers (770-953-2500 or email support@csatlanta.com) for assistance and advice on password management and cyber security.